Sunday, June 10, 2007

From Sea to Sky...

A whole lot of pictures in this one finally. Problems have been large thee days, Johnny's computer died which is what we have been using to upload pics, my spare hard drive is on the fritz... things of a mechanical nature don't like this trip so far... enjoy the pics and more stories to come.


This is THE place to be in the Rockies, forget Jasper, Banff, go to FIELD! We played a show at Truffle Pigs and were welcomed with open arms by Sean and Jen. Also amazing was the fact that a large portion of the small town is from Quebec so it felt like home to me.
On the way to Truffle Pigs in Field

On my way up one of the mountains I saw this, pushing through the asphalt... Nature will survive no matter what we do to her...

At the summit of Rogers Pass I took a picture of the tour leader! He is my guide home as two of my favorite people who are waiting for me can tell you, ask me about SpongeBob.

As we rode through the mountains I took countless pictures, all the while thinking that no image can do them justice, they need to be walked in, cycled, something that lets you feel the change in temperature, the smells, they need to be lived. Go and live them if you haven't before, even if you have go again.

On the way to Field BC, mountains feed my soul, feed Johnny's frustration!

Golden under water... the river is really high while we were there, so were some of the people but more on that later...

That sign says $1.28 for gas in Golden BC!!!! Long live bike tours!!!

The summit of Alison Pass, Johnny's BIG fear!

Outside Charlies in Winfield, our own sandwich board...

The house concert at the Artists BnB was a wonderful treat, a hot day of biking then into the lake.

Live up at Asta K's in Vernon. We dressed up in costumes for fun that night, you should have seen what was under the nice clothes!

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