Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Photos - Gabriola Is - Hummingbird B&B

Derek Olive is now the proud father of a classically trained Sponge Bob Square Pants, valiantly rescued from the depths of a geocache on Gabriola Island. He feeds his "little genius" bagels with liver pate.

Derek Olive was shocked when bitten on the touche by a piranha while in the hot tub. He now sports a bite mark and is suing the hot tub owners for psychological damages.

Jeremy Walker is currently revolutionizing his life, becoming engaged and flirting with the idea of living in a van down by the river. Careful, Jeremy - you might not "have sex" - you might cease to know "what that is". ;)

Johnny Eden died mysteriously on top of water. Comparisons to Jesus are quite confusing, since Johnny never walked on said water, and has not yet experienced a resurrection. Experts theorize that Johnny's soul was so very heavy with teenage angst, regrets and sorrow, that when it left his body the minimal floatage provided by the hot tub water was enough to keep him from sinking.

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